WhAt'S nEw?
Distant Disco

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"Jareth"- illustrations

Featured Poet

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WhAt'S nEw hErE?

A new page has been added- "Featured Poet." Here I will expose all wanderers to other poets' immense talent. "Jareth" has been updated- be sure to read all that is there. In writing this story I have found that there were some slight inconsistancies, as well as some very non-descript parts which I had to go back and revise. I hope all you wanderers enjoy.

wHaT's NeW wItH tHe SiTe?
In an attempt to offer the world a place for their own thoughts I discovered that many people are not poets. Between horrible hits and no interaction I decided to take on what might appear to be a selfish decision to make DiStAnT dIsCo a place for my own voice. Poems of my own will soon be arriving.

If someone does come along with a desire to post see the CoNtAcT page for my e-mail.


If anyone wishes to maybe analyze the poems on this site, perhaps a analytical board can be started. Please contact me if this is something that would be appealing.


Phil. 4:5